Sisters at service

Civic Engagement and Service Learning

The Student Engagement Office provides a wide range of opportunities for Holy Family University students to participate in civic engagement and learning through service. Here are just a few:

Alternative Spring Break

Holy Family University’s own Habitat for Humanity chapter participates in the annual Collegiate Challenge through Habitat International. Students may apply to join Habitat for Humanity during the Fall semester and will be eligible to participate in the weeklong service initiative across the United States. Previous locations include Lerado, Texas, and Birmingham, Alabama. Learn more about Habitat for Humanity by visiting their website or contacting them over email:

Ambassadors of Civic Engagement (ACE) Team

The Ambassadors of Civic Engagement are a group of students that create and implement programs at HFU that focus on Civic Engagement within our community. ACE Team members complete an application to join but then are members throughout their time at Holy Family University. To apply, please complete the Student Leadership Application.

MLK Day of Service

The Student Engagement Office works with the Holy Family Service Committee to help plan and organize the annual Day of Service event held in January. Students have the ability to sign up to participate in the various service projects associated with the day of service.

MLK Day of Service

Constitution Day

This is an annual celebration held on all campuses to provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution and to develop habits of citizenship. The Ambassadors of Civic Engagement (ACE) student team assist with the planning and implementation of this event.

Voter Registration Drive

Hosted in alignment with Primary and General elections for the City of Philadelphia, the ACE Team encourages their fellow students to register to vote. ACE Team members host events on campus and social media to debunk myths surrounding voting rights.

Students that are interested in learning more about any of our Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Programs are encouraged to email the Student Engagement Office staff at


Interested in a student leadership position?

Complete the Student Leadership Application.